Title : Pugster Silver Victorian Charm European Bead with Red Crystal and heart design Fit Charm Jewelry Bracelet Dora, Troll ,And Chamilla Charm Bracelets
Description : This beautiful Pugster silver design bead with red crystal is unique with a 3 demensional heart also displayed. It will fit Pandora, Trollbeads, Chamilla and other European style bracelets at a fraction of the cost of the name beads. This superior quality bead is a lovely color that will brighten any bracelet. Because each bead is handmade there will be very minor variations in style, color and patterns. The differences are minor and typical for handmade beads.
Features :
- Pugster Silver bead with ed crystal Fit All Brands bracelets Pandora, Troll and Chamilla
- silver victorian design bead with red crystal and Heart
- Handmade Bead
- Size: approx. 10.6mm X 10.44mm
- Pandora style Bead
List Price : $19.99
Price : $24.99
Saved Price : $10.00
Category: Bracelets
Brand: Pugster
Item Page Detail URL : link