Title : CSYD0JD Burgundy Green Colour Faux Garnet Emerald Golden Look 66 gm 3 Pcs antique Style Necklace Earring Set Victorian Set Bargains Women India Indian Bollywood Fashion Jewelry Accessories Z Others
Description : A Beautiful Jewelery that can be worn on any occasion, party, on Traditional Indian as well as Modern costumes…..A perfect item to gift for your friends, relatives or loved one….Truly Feminine. This is a beautiful designer piece of traditional Indian Bollywood necklace jewelry…..A classic design by the creator and making sure that it challenges the current fashion also giving excellent traditional looks…..One of the most unique Jewelry set which will make you stand out amongst your friends and peer group…..This is an traditional jewelry and will add more charm to your jewelry collection…..Each of the jewelry pieces match & complement making this set truly gorgeous and a prized possession…..This outstanding set is a great match to a traditional Indian outfit, a Belly dance costume or a Gypsy costume and the spectacular piece of craftsmanship is for trend setters & fashion savvy…..Each set is the result of hours of painstaking laborio work and a product so intricate & detailed that you cannot help but marvel at the skill & technique…..A piece of craftsmanship that would make heads turn – be prepared for the compliments that would pour in! An excellent hand crafted item – Very reasonably priced,yet one of its kind and not seen around in major departmental stores across the U.S._____The price is an amazing bargain given that individual pieces of Jewelry cost far more and that this set comes complete with every possible matching jewelry piece…..Buy with confidence.This is Fashion Jewelry Set and all Stones are acrylic(Faux).
Features :
- CSYD0JD Burgundy Green Colour Faux Garnet Emerald Golden Look 66 gm 3 Pcs antique Style Necklace Earring Set Victorian Set
- Necklace Chain Size : 17 Inches… Pendant Size : 2.5 Inches
- Earring Sise: 2.5 Inches
- Weight: 66 gm
List Price : $59.99
Price : $37.50
Saved Price : $22.49
Category: Jewelry Sets
Brand: TEG(Jewelry Sets)
Item Page Detail URL : link